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Alicja Björk Jaworski

Alicja Björk Jaworski

Alicja Björk Jaworski was born in Poland in 1955. First she studied architecture in Warsaw from 1975 until 1979, then she studied and worked at an animation studio in Warsaw from 1981 until 1982. In 1983 Jaworski moved to Sweden and started working at PennFilm Studio in 1985. Since then, she has worked as an animator and background animator on several projects and directed three shorts in PennFilm Studio's ABC-series.

2013 Emil och Ida i Lönndeberga (That Boy Emil) / 2012 Bara lite (Just a Little) / 2012 Lilla Anna och Långa farbrorn (Little Anna and the Tall Uncle) / 2009 Booo / 2006 Lilla spöket Laban (Laban the Little Ghost)


Films by Director