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Catherine Leclef

Catherine set up the Paris-based international documentary sales company CAT&Docs in November 2009 after leaving Fortissimo and following stints at Films Transit and Doc&Co. Catherine is one of the best-connected figures in the world of documentary films. She has assembled a formidable list of award-winning documentaries such as CITIZEN FOUR, CAMERAPERSON, COMMUNION, SONITA, 5 BROKEN CAMERAS and LAST TRAIN HOME.

Anna Berthollet

Anna Berthollet has been working successfully with documentaries since 2013, after a long-term experience in the banking sector, mainly as a project leader. She also worked as Head of Festivals, Theatrical and VOD Sales at Taskovski Films, with a strong focus on film Marketing and Branding, and Alternative and Impact Distribution. In late 2018, she launched Sweet Spot Docs, an International Sales and Distribution agency based in Switzerland whose portfolio shines by socially important documentaries. 

Women's Image in Arab Cinema

Women's Image in Arab Cinema
12:30 - 13:45

Shaping Women Image through Arab Cinema: From Nadia al-Jundi to Bab el-Hara. Who is responsible for this image? 

Panelists: Samah Bsoul (Journalist, Film critic) , George Khleifi (Scholar, filmmaker) and S.A (Cinamji). Moderated by Mariam Farah (Journalist)

Iyad Joudeh

Iyad Joudeh is a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow and holds a postgraduate diploma in Strategic Management from Boston University and a B.A in Economics from Birzeit University. He is the Founder and Managing Director of Solutions for Development- Solution. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of PalTrade, the National Trade Promotion Organization. He was also the Marketing Director of Bethlehem 2000, the General Manager of Development Resource Centre (DRC) and the General Director of the Economic . 

Mariam Farah

A journalist and TV presenter for more than 7 years. She’s the "Green Line" program presenter on Al Araby Channel. To her credit lay several written texts on culture, theatre and Cinema.
She has worked and volunteered at various local and international women's and civil society organizations such as Amnesty International, and served as a member of the Department and Chairperson of several of them. She earned a bachelor's degree in French literature, a master's degree in cultural studies and children's literature. Currently she’s completing her Master’s in Political Communication.

S.A. (Cinamji)

Cinmaji is a queer Arab feminist film initiative established in 2016 to analyze and critique cinematic works that focus on body and sexuality and to produce knowledge about these representations. The Initiative organizes periodic presentations as well as producing visual and written content on the outcome of those discussions.

Samah Bsoul

Samah Bsoul is a journalist and cinema blogger. She studied Comparative Literature and Film at the University of Haifa, and is currently completing her master’s degree in Comparative Literature. Samah has worked for more than 10 years in the weekly newspaper, Kul Al-Arab, and is a film contributor at the Rumman Cultural Magazine. She also prepares TV programs and works as a research assistant within the work of I’lam - the Arab Center for Media Freedom, Development and Research, in addition to her experience as a screenwriter and recruiter of actors in short films.

Patrizia Roletti

Patrizia Roletti - Festival Director / Production management. She worked, as production coordinator first and then as a production manager on various projects The Passion by Mel Gibson, The Life Aquatic by Wes Anderson, Mr and Mrs Smith By Doug Liman. In 2011 she moved to Paris where she co-founded the Festival Ciné- Palestine (2014), the first Palestinian film festival in the capital which has become the major event on Palestinian cinema in Paris.

Pierre Menahem

Pierre started his career in the film industry in 1997 working at Celluloid Dreams as Director of Sales and Acquisitions. He founded Scalpel Films in 2004 and then created a sales division in the production company, MPM Film. He is currently part of the Selection Committee of the Hubert Bals Film Fund and Cinemart.

Ossama Bawardi

Ossama Bawardi works in Palestine and Jordan in both documentary and fiction. Credits include Salt of this Sea, Paradise Now. He produced Annemarie Jacir’s When I Saw You (one of the first films entirely financed by Palestinians) and Horizon, In Overtime, Mare Nostrum, and Wajib, winner of thirty-six awards including Best Film in Mar Del Plata, Dubai, Amiens, Washington DC & Kerala. He line produced Amin Matalqa's The Rendezvous, Mai Masri's 3,000 Nights, Barbara Eder's Thank you for Bombing, Anas Khalaf and Rana Kazkaz’s The Translator, and has three films in post-production.