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A tempestuous Palestinian love story that takes place along the Separation Wall. The story ends and Majdi decides to leave the country because his dreams and the poppies can no longer find their space along the wall. His love, Salma, tries to stop him from doing so, to no avail. Suddenly, Majdi and Salma run away from their secret love-nest near the wall, after Abu Mustapha finds them out.

(Short Sunbird 2)

Arabic with English Subtitles

Nidal Badarny

Nidal Badarneh was born in the village of Arrabeh in the area of Palestine occupied in 1948, studied theatre and Cinema. He has directed and acted in multiple comedic plays. He has also directed short movies such as “villagers”, “penalty kick”, and his first documentary movie “the 30th of March

Asmaa Bseiso

An award-winning filmmaker, media consultant and trainer, she began her career in 2007. In 2008, she enrolled in the Documentary Filmmaking Fellowship Program at George Washington University. She also received training from the University of Southern California in partnership with the Royal Film Commission of Jordan.
In 2009, Asma traveled to Gaza to direct her medium-length documentary “I Am Gaza,” which was the opening film at the Amal Festival in Spain, and the guest of honor at the Arab Film Festival in Algeria.