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Naziha Arebi

Naziha Arebi

Naziha Arebi is a Libyan/British artist and filmmaker who returned to Libya after the revolution to work and explore her father's homeland. Naziha worked as a writer and production manager with BBC Media Action and her short documentaries are now being shown in festivals worldwide. In 2012 she co-founded HuNa Productions, a Tripoli-based production collective, aiming at developing Libyan cinema as a tool for change. She has since completed a series of educational shorts on Libyan reconciliation, worked as cinematographer on a 52' documentary about the Tabu tribe, and directed a 24' documentary on tragically assassinated Libyan activist Salwa Bughaghis. She also makes content for Hivos, Oxfam and UN Women in the MENA region and local NGOs. Naziha is a HotDocs Blue Ice and a Sundance Lab fellow. Her artwork has been published extensively in print and exhibited globally and alongside her first feature FREEDOM FIELDS , she is also producing AFTER A REVOLUTION , in collaboration with Met Film (UK), EIE Film (Italy) and Urban Republic (USA).