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Narjiss Nejjar

Narjiss Nejjar


Born in 1971 in Tangier, Morocco, Narjiss Nejjar is both a filmmaker and a screenwriter. She made her first documentary film in 1994 L’exigence de la dignité (The Demand for Dignity). In 1998, she co-produced the documentary series Les Salines (The Saltworks). She is the author of a novel published in 1999, Cahiers d’Empreintes (Imprints’ Notebooks). Her first fiction feature Les Yeux Secs (The Dry Eyes), 2003, was selected at the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes, at the FIFF, at Marrakech Festival and obtained numerous honors.




2017 Stateless (Apatride) / 2011 The Rif Lover (L’amante du Rif) / 2008 Angels’ Terminal
 (Terminus des Anges), co-directed with Mohamed Mouftakir and Hicham Lasri / 2005 Wake up Morocco / 2002 Cry No More (Les Yeux Secs) / 2002 The Lunatic’s Mirror (Le Miroir du fou) / 2000 The Seventh Sky (Le Septième Ciel) / 1999 The Parabola (La Parabole)


Films by Director