It’s autumn. At the end of a branch hangs a yellow leaf. A little black bird comes along to water it. Suddenly a squirrel nicks the birds bright green watering can. The bird follows the cheeky thief. This is the start of an exciting chase through the forest. But behind the trees the fiery red fox is already waiting for his chance.
Producers Ted Sieger, Gerd Gockell, Jochen Ehmann
Production Company
Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 77 4868616
Language No Dialogue
Born in Berlin, Germany in 1981, she graduated in audiovisual communication at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and then did a Master's degree in design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland, majoring in animation and illustration.
2017 The little Bird and the Caterpillar / 2014 The little Bird and the Squirrel / 2012 The little Bird and the Leaf / 2009 Lovestory 2