Nadim Mishlawi
72’ | 2022
Arabic with English subtitles
Suspended between a brutal past and an uncertain future, the city of Beirut lingers in a fragile and indefinite present tense. Reflecting on the aftermath of his father’s death, After the End of the World is the memoir of a filmmaker’s experiences in Beirut, a city haunted by loss. The film looks beyond Beirut’s political landscape and focuses on the subtler notion of Beirut as an uncanny urban experiment. Contrasting ruins of the recent past with the influx of modernity, the film becomes a portrait of a city on the brink of perpetual disappearance.
Scriptwriter: Nadim Mishlawi
Director of Photography: Mark Khalifeh
Editors: Mathilde Muyard, Ghina Hachicho, Jad Dani, Ali Hassan
Sound Designer: Rana Eid
Original Score: Nadim Mishlawi
Producer: Georges Schoucair
Production Company: Abbout Productions
Co-Production: DB Studios
Sound Editors: Filip Mureșan, Vlad Voinescu
International Sales: CAT&Docs